Business English Crossword 3

Business English Terms Crossword 3

Business English Terms Crossword 3 by Christopher Rudolph

Rudolph Academy offers a unique approach to mastering Business English through its online and interactive Business English Terms Crossword Puzzles. These puzzles are designed to make learning business vocabulary fun, engaging, and memorable. For ESL learners, this method provides a practical and enjoyable way to reinforce their knowledge of essential business terms.

brand loyalty / The tendency of consumers to continue buying the same brand.
business plan / A written document outlining a company’s goals and how they plan to achieve them.
annual report / A yearly document detailing a company’s financial performance and operations.
target market / The specific group of consumers a company aims to reach.
niche market / A small, specialized segment of a larger market.
wholesale / Selling goods in large quantities at lower prices to retailers or distributors.
retail / The sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities.
public relations / The practice of managing the spread of information between a company and the public.
executive / A person with senior managerial responsibility in a company.
supply / The amount of a product or service available to consumers.
demand forecasting / The process of estimating future customer demand for a product or service.
consumer / A person who purchases goods or services for personal use.
fiscal year / A 12-month period used by a company for accounting purposes.
quarterly / Occurring every three months.
dividends / Payments made by a corporation to its shareholders from profits.
business ethics / The study of appropriate business policies and practices regarding potentially controversial subjects.
trademark infringement / The unauthorized use of a trademark or service mark.
intellectual property / Creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary works, and designs, that have commercial value.
scalability / The ability of a business to grow and handle increased demand.
delegation / Assigning responsibility or tasks to others in an organization.
board of directors / A group of people elected to represent shareholders and oversee the activities of a company.
balance / The amount of money in an account after all transactions have been accounted for.
fixed cost / A cost that does not change regardless of production levels.
variable cost / A cost that changes depending on production levels or other factors.
capital / Wealth in the form of money or assets used to start or invest in a business.

Business English Terms Crossword 3 Online
When you complete this Business English Crossword Puzzle Online 3 correctly, a message will tell you “Congratulations, you have completed the puzzle!” If you have completed the puzzle and don’t get the “Congratulations” message, one or more of your answers are wrong. Click on ABC Check in the top left corner to see your errors to correct.

Word Bank: 
brand loyalty     business plan     annual report     target market     niche market     wholesale     retail     public relations     executive     supply     demand forecasting     consumer     fiscal year     quarterly     dividends     business ethics     trademark      infringement     intellectual property     scalability     delegation    balance     fixed cost    variable cost     capital

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