Land and Water Crossword Puzzles

Land and Water Crossword Puzzles Printable

Land and Water Crossword PuzzlesLand and Water: Exploring Our Earth

Our Earth is a fascinating place, full of amazing features and natural wonders. To understand it better, let’s learn about some important parts and events that make our planet so special.

Core, Mantle, and Crust:

Deep inside the Earth, there’s a very hot center called the core. It’s like a big, fiery ball made of iron and nickel. Surrounding the core is the mantle, which is also hot but not as hot as the core. The mantle is made of thick, flowing rock. On top of the mantle, we have the Earth’s outer layer, called the crust. The crust is where we live, and it’s made of solid rock.


When we look at the land around us, we see different shapes and features called landforms. Some landforms are tall, like mountains, while others are flat, like plains. Valleys are low areas between mountains, and plateaus are high, flat areas.

Islands and Continents:

The Earth has big pieces of land called continents, like Africa, Asia, and North America. These are large areas of land that can have many different landforms. Smaller pieces of land surrounded by water are called islands. Hawaii is an example of an island.

Oceans and Fresh Water:

The Earth has huge bodies of salt water called oceans. There are five main oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, and Arctic Oceans. Besides oceans, we also have fresh water, which is water that we can drink. Fresh water is found in rivers, lakes, and streams.

Natural Events:

Sometimes, the Earth changes in sudden and dramatic ways. An earthquake happens when the ground shakes because of movements in the crust. This can cause buildings to shake or even fall. A volcano is a mountain that can erupt, sending out lava, ash, and gases from the mantle. When a volcano erupts, it can change the land around it.

Floods and Landslides:

A flood happens when there is too much water in an area, usually because of heavy rain. This water can cover the land and cause damage to homes and roads. A landslide is when a lot of rock and soil suddenly slides down a slope, like a hill or mountain. Landslides can happen after heavy rain or earthquakes.

Understanding these terms helps us appreciate the incredible planet we live on. By knowing about the Earth’s core, crust, and mantle, as well as landforms, islands, continents, oceans, and fresh water, we can better understand the natural events like earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and landslides that shape our world.

Interactive Flashcards

Center of the earth.
The outer layer of the Earth.
The layer of the earth between the crust and the core.
A piece of land surrounded by water.
One of the seven main landmasses on Earth.
A large body of salt water.
Shapes of land.
fresh water
Water that is not salty.
Shaking of the earth’s crust.
A vent (opening) of the earth’s crust through which lava, steam, and ashes can be expelled (shot out).
This happens when a lot of rain falls quickly and the rain cannot soak into the ground.
Rocks and soil slide from higher to lower ground.

These Land and Water Crossword Puzzles covers the following 12 terms: core, crust, mantle, island, continent, ocean, landform, fresh water, earthquake, volcano, flood, landslide. Four different crosswords covering the same terms allows for re-teaching and re-learning throughout the school year. Students, parents, and teachers can print and make copies.

Land and Water Study Sheet
Land and Water Crossword Puzzles
Land and Water CW 1    Land and Water CW 1 Answers
Land and Water CW 2    Land and Water CW 2 Answers
Land and Water CW 3    Land and Water CW 3 Answers
Land and Water CW 4    Land and Water CW 4 Answers

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