Fractional Pizza Party

Fractions Song

Fractions Song Desk Boy Loves Pizza Parties with Fractions!

Fractional Pizza Party is a Fractions Song that teaches students fractions and percent using a song about a pizza party. It also teaches about reducing fractions.

Fractional Pizza Party

© Rudolph 2009

We had a pizza party
and 8 people were there.
We had one large pizza
for everyone to share. 

Large pizzas have
8 slices until you are done.
That’s enough for each of them
to only have just one. 

So, all each one could get
was one slice out of eight.
All each one could put
was one slice on their plate. 

1 out of 8 is 
 a fraction of what exists.
1 out of 8
is written just like this: 1/8 

1/8 can be written
in a way to represent
a percentage of the pie
which is 12.5 percent. 

We had a pizza party
and 4 people were there.
We had one large pizza
for everyone to share. 

Large pizzas have
8 slices until you are through.
That’s enough for each of them
to only have just two. 

So, all each one could get
was two slices out of eight.
All each one could put
was two slices on their plate.  

2 out of 8 is 
 a fraction of what exists.
2 out of 8
Is written just like this: 2/8 

Now, 2 over 8
can be reduced to 1 over 4
It is still the same value
and they are not eating more.

Now, 1/4 can be written
in a way to represent
a percentage of the pie
which is 25 percent. 

We had a pizza party
and 3 people were there.
We had one extra-large pizza
for everyone to share. 

Extra-large pizzas have
9 slices for you to see.
That’s enough for each of them
to have exactly three. 

So, each one could get
3 slices out of nine.
Each one could get 
three slices on which to dine. 

3 out of 9 is 
 a fraction of what exists.
3 out of 9
is written just like this: 3/9 

Now, 3 over 9
can be reduced to 1 over 3
It is the same value
and there are just still 3 slices to see. 

Now, 1/3 can be written
in a way to represent
a percentage of the pie
which is 33.3 percent.  (note – .3 is repeating) 

So, I hope you enjoyed your pizza
and the party was swell.
You learned a little about fractions
and now I say farewell!

by Christopher Rudolph

Fractional Pizza Song Printable
Fractional Pizza Party Printable Worksheet 

Fractions Video Lesson
Fractions Worksheets
Percentage Worksheets

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